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【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时
中国通信网 时间:2008-07-31 信息来源:


The General Motors-China relationship dates back more than eight decades. GM’s mission in China is to leverage the company’s extensive global resources to provide transportation products and services that deliver the best combination of technology and customer care innovation.

Today,GM has more than 19,000 employees in China and operates seven joint ventures and two wholly owned foreign enterprises. GM has participated in investment of over $2 billion in China. With this rapid expansion, we are seeking outstanding candidates to join us for the following career opportunity:

Intern 实习生

招聘机构: 上海总部 企业所在地: 上海 上海 职位性质: 全职
招聘人数: 1 人 工作部门: 规划部 Planning 接受简历: 不限
发布时间: 2008年07月29日 截至时间: 2008年08月29日
工作地点: 上海
-Assist market operations in development of annual budget business plan volumes, business case volumes, and global vehicle program volumes
-Support AP Vehicle Forecasting Manager with regional coordination and high quality forecast analysis
-Report/develop presentations on budget business plan volumes for AP Regional Leadership
-Serve as main contact point for AP regional vehicle volumes for the corporation
-Monitor regional competitive activity and vehicle trends
-Be well versed in industry and segment volumes and assumptions and environmental scans for all AP markets
-Strong analytical and quantitative skills
- High degree of computer skills with emphasis on database design and management, Excel and powerpoint

- Leadership potential as well as teamwork skills
- Ability to effectively manage extended/diverse project teams
- Strong communication and English language skills
- Ability to self-start, create structure/framework for all new business opportunities
- Degree in Marketing, Finance, Economics, Mathematics or Statistics or Engineering ? MBA preferred
- Strong interpersonal/diplomacy skills
- Flexibility?ability to link into conference calls that originate in several different time zones

Motivated candidates please come to our website:

http://www.gmchina.com to apply this position on the page of CAREER.


· 【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时 (2008-07-31)
· 【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时 (2008-07-31)
· 【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时 (2008-07-31)
· 【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时 (2008-07-31)
· 【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时 (2008-07-31)
货架 货架厂 货架公司 货架厂家 ...
昵   称:   匿名发表
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-09-15)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2011-04-28)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-09-16)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-15)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-05-23)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2012-01-09)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2011-01-30)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2010-05-28)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2008-07-31)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2010-08-27)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2011-02-17)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-08-12)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-08-12)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2011-05-03)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-10-11)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2010-07-20)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-07-24)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-08-12)
【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛... (2009-08-13)
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