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【创心服务 联通你我】青春逢盛世,奋斗正当时
中国通信网 时间:2010-05-28 信息来源:中国通信网
Seeking further professional challenges which would take full advantage of my teaching, research and negotiating skills. I would like to take advantage of my experience in education, research and business practice to participate in worthwhile projects in a variety of areas.
·Currently developing curriculum proposal for Ethics and Economics
·Nov 2008 Delegate to 13th Annual Anti-Corruption Conference sponsored by Transparency International, in Athens, Greece
·Doctorate in Economics from the University of Manitoba in Canada
·Many years of teaching Economics and Business Management in Canada, plus eight years of teaching these subjects at several universities in China
·Most recently taught Intermediate Microeconomic Theory at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics and Public Finance at the University of Manitoba
·Previously taught at Sichuan University in joint Business Education programs with the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and Victoria University (Australia)
·Other activities in China include
·Providing cross-cultural negotiation services at RussellResearch.ca
·Teaching in MBA programs
·Staff training in the private sector and
government agencies
·Postgraduate teaching at MA and PhD levels
Multi-skilled professional, with a top-level university education in the social sciences along with extensive experience in:
Research and Writing
·PhD in Economics
·Strong Proficiency in Library and Internet Research
·Experience at Organizational Level (Research Director) and Project Level
·Wide Range of Subjects in Social Sciences, Commerce and Humanities
·Years of Journalism Experience
·Author of many Briefs, Reports and Papers
Education ?Teaching Experience
·Many Years Experience in University Teaching
·Off-Campus Rural and Northern Canadian Programs
·Several Years Teaching Economics and Business (MBA) in China
·Experience Teaching International Joint Programs at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels
·Cross-Cultural Programs Students with Educational, Generational and Cultural Diversity
·Students with Varying Levels of English Comprehension
·Continuing Education and Adult Programs
·Business and Administrative Training Programs
·Training for Management and Executive Personnel
Management and Administration
·Administrative and Executive Positions
·Board Member, Chairperson and Presidential Roles in Various Organizations
·Project Management and Organization
·Volunteer Organizations
·Organization of Schools, Conferences, Seminars, etc.
·Highly Skilled in Internal and External Communication
·Top-level Negotiation Skills
PhD, Economics University of Manitoba
Master of Arts University of Manitoba
Bachelor of Arts University of Winnipeg
Teaching Experience
Academic (1980-2008)
2009/10: University of Manitoba
Taught Workplace Health and Safety, Labour Studies Program, Winter 2009
Taught Working for a Living, Labour Studies, Scheduled Spring 2009
Taught Public Finance, Department of Economics, Winter 2010
2008/9: Providence College
Taught Introductory Economics, Micro and Macro
2008: International College of Manitoba
Taught Introductory Economics for incoming international students.
2007 and 2009: Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
Taught Intermediate Economic Theory
2006/7: University of Manitoba
Taught Labour Studies, off campus, for the Extended Education division.
2005/6: Sichuan University
Taught Business Management in joint programs with the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and Victoria University (Australia).
2005: Zhong Yi Property Management Company
Taught Professional Standards ?behavior, communication, teamwork, meetings,presentation, negotiation, creative management, ethics.
2005: China Project Development Facility ?Sponsored by the World Bank
Taught Presentation Skills and Negotiation Skills.
2003-5: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China.
Taught Intermediate Microeconomic Theory, Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, International Trade (Graduate students), Advances in Economics (Doctoral students), during the 2003 to 2005 semesters. Taught for the following departments: Economics, Finance, MBA, Gradate Studies, English. These included Joint teaching appointments at Southwest Jiaotong University and University of Electronic Sciences and Technology of China.
2002: Yantai University, Yantai, China
Taught Marketing in the International Business Program, International Studies College, during the Fall 2002 semester.
2002: Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
Taught Managerial Economics and International Trade in the Business School of Sichuan University, during the Spring and Summer 2002 semester.
2001: Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, by way of Mount Royal International Business Institute in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China
Taught Managerial Finance for Decision-Makers and International Business in Napier University's Master of Business Administration by distance learning. Located on-site in Chengdu, China, teaching in English to business people studying for their MBA. Also taught English as a Second Language (ESL) instructed at the same institution.
1976-89: Universities of Winnipeg, Manitoba and Victoria
Including Inter-Universities North, Winnipeg Education Centre
·Principles of Economics Labour Economics
·Public Finance Urban Economics
·Industrial Organization Comparative Economic Systems
·Labour Studies Collective Bargaining
·Industrial Relations
Continuing Education Programs
Government of the City of LeShan, China (March, 2002)
·Presentation on Improving the Investment Climate under the WTO, to a Business Workshop.
Government of the City of Chongqing, China (October, 2001)
·Presentation on Foreign Market Entry Methods, to a Business Workshop.
Sichuan Service Center for Enterprises with Foreign Investment, Chengdu, China (August, 2001)
·Presentation on Foreign Market Entry Methods, to Forum on Retail Trade Development, attended by retail executives.
Consulate of the United States of American in Chengdu, China (August to November, 2001)
·Series of lectures in Economics regarding the market economy and how it functions in relation to China's immanent entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), for students and business executives.
University of Winnipeg (1989-91)
·Financial Management Organizational Change
·Systems Analysis Theory Economic Issues for Seniors
Union Education Programs (1981-89)
·Manitoba Federation of Labour
·Canadian Labour Congress
·Manitoba Organization of Nurses?Associations
·Wrote a series of articles on how to negotiate with western colleagues for a Beijing management journal, Contemporary Manager, in 2007.
·Wrote a weekly business column for Chengdu Weekly , the English language supplement to Chengdu Daily. Also contributed to Times English, a monthly English learners' publication in Chengdu.
·Unaccredited author of numerous briefs and submissions for the Manitoba Federation of Labour, to a wide variety of boards, commissions, political bodies, etc. Topics included the provincial economy, transportation policy, communications, pensions, technological change, child care, human rights, workplace discrimination, drug testing, workers' compensation.
·A weekly labour column in the Winnipeg Sun, 1981 to 1989.
·A monthly column in Manitoba Business, 1983 to 1984.
·A chapter in Hard Bargains: The Labour Movement Confronts the 1990's , Errol Black and Jim Silver, editors, 1990.
·Co-author of Teaching at the University of Manitoba: a Handbook , University
Teaching Services, 1993.
·PhD Thesis in ubran labour markets to be used as a basis for professional journal articles.
Research, Administrative and Volunteer Experience
·Professional Linguistic Training Center, Sichuan University Science Park. Director of Development.
·St. Margaret's Anglican Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Webmaster. Member of Vestry, and delegate to the Synod for the selection of a Bishop for the Diocese of Rupertsland. Elected member of Diocesan Synod. Continuing as member of Vestry
·University of Manitoba Access Program, tutor, 1997 to 2003.
·Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3909. President , Chief Negotiator for 2001 contract negotiations.
·Graduate Students' Association, University of Manitoba, Office Manager, 1997-99. Included network administration in Windows, Macintosh and Unix environments, as well as interactive Internet applications such as on-line referenda.
·The InfoHighway OnRamp Centre, Website Account Manager , Summer 1996.
·Assiniboine Community College, Brandon, Manitoba, Distance Education Course Developer, 1996. Packaging Microeconomics course for distance delivery.
·GWR-Net, private consulting. Contracts in basic research, teaching, and computer networking applications using Windows, Macintosh and Unix; and Website development with CGI programming.
·University of Winnipeg Faculty Association, Office Manager and Researcher, 1993 to 1994.
·Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3909, President , CUPE Manitoba Executive Member, 1995-96.
·Age and Opportunity Inc., Chair of Board, 1995.
·Economics Graduate Students' Association, Conference Organizer , 1990.
·Manitoba Association for Continuing Education, 1983, President .
·Canadian Association for Adult Education, 1983, Delegate .
·Manitoba Regulatory Review Task Force, 1985, Member.
·Member of Academic Selection Committees and Program Advisory Committees, University of Manitoba, various times from 1981 to 1992.
Winnipeg International Childrens' Festival, Chair of Board , 1984 to 1988.
·Manitoba Federation of Labour
Full-time, 1981 to 1989, Research Director. Authored numerous briefs to government agencies. Provided administrative support. Organized schools and conferences. Represented MFL on various committees, government advisory boards, conventions, alliances, coalitions, etc. Produced Cable TV programs, music festivals and public events. Hired and supervised summer student employees. Served as Executive Director to the Manitoba Labour Education Centre from 1982 to 1983, and participated in the selection of a permanent Executive Director.
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