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VIQ Man Stamina, Sexual Enhancement Dietary Supple
相关产品:VIQ Man Stamina, Sexual Enhancement Dietary Supple 时间:2008-09-02 点击量:8953
VIQ Man Stamina, Sexual Enhancement Dietary Supplement for Man

Hi, this is KATHY ( kathy.2768@hotmail.com) from Male Stamina Health Center. We developed private label VIQ Man Stamina, Sexual Enhancement Capsules for you. (For more detailed information, please visit http://www.viqforman.com/?u=kathy.2768viqhotformancom )

ViQ comes in a bottle with 12 golden capsules, each capsule contains 390 mg of active ingredients and it will work in just 45 minutes for some and for others 1-3 hours guaranteed.

Factory price- Natural Viagra, the best sex enhancement capsule, ViQ. ViQ is all-natural herbal supplement that enhances male sexual performance. ViQ contains a scientifically researched combination of more than 20 powerful natural herbs that produce long lasting, hard erections and boost male sexual stamina and energy. 

Hard, long-lasting sex WHENEVER you want for as long as you want AT ANY AGE !

What makes ViQ so powerful is the unique blend of ingredients it contains for male sexual enhancement.

1. Bombyx Mori Extract - Induces smooth muscle relaxation, allowing for maximum arterial dilation and increased blood flow.
2. Siberia Ginseng - improve vitality and normalize overall body functions, Siberian ginseng is considered a highly valuable tonic with broad uses and benefits. The extracts of the plant impart strength and enhance performance.

VIQ Man Stamina, Sexual Enhancement Capsules can help you:

1. ViQ may help increase pleaseure and may help enhance performance.
2. Give powerful, repeat & long lasting erections
3. No prescription required, no addiction and no side effects.
4. Greater ejaculation and maximum sexual pleasure
5. Truly satisfy your partner

VIQ is also an excellent profit making tool, as MSHC is now providing mini private labeling, therefore you can order as few as 100 bottles for only 4.30 Euro ( equivalent of about 6.65 USD). VIQ is currently being sold for over 25 EURO ( or in US market, 40-50 USD) and you can make over 3,000 USD for such a small effort. You can use our original label ( as shown in picture, or you replace product and company name with your own. We will print the label for you even if your order is just 100 bottles.

If you are interested in our ViQ sexual enhancer, please contact Kathy at kathy.2768@hotmail.com, or add me in msn kathy.2768@hotmail.com.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kathy Kong
China Rep of MSHC
Email: kathy.2768@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-633-8919074
URL: http://www.viqforman.com/?u=kathy.2768viqhotformancom
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